Sphero-tronics Robot
Spherical Robot for Navigating Through the Dangerous Areas
Project Lead
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Eng. Amir R. Ali
Executive Deputy
Eng. Malek Mahmoud
Project Members
Mohamed Ashraf, B.Sc. (2018)
Mahmoud El-Deeb, B.Sc. (2017)
Brief description for the project:
Spherical robots are unique example of locomotion system that generates its driving torque by continuously displacing the center of gravity. The benefits of such system are believed to be several. First, the spherical structure of the robot shell protects the inner components form the outsider environment making it amphibious. Second, the spherical shape gives the ability to move in tightly constrained places. Finally, the robot is characterised by low-power motion due the one point contact to the ground minimising the friction force. One Limitation of the spherical robot is that the driving torque depends on the displaced mass and the size of the sphere. Another one is that the surface of the sphere has to be rubbery in order to increase the grip on slippery surfaces. This thesis present the design, fabrication, modeling and motion control of pendulum driven sphere robot. System dynamics have been identified using Direct continuous Transfer Function Estimation in LabVIEW. Another approach of the system modeling was done by Lagrange formulation. Afterward a PI controller was tuned to control the robot speed and steering. Simulations were conducted to compare the real response and the proposed controller.
Challenges of the project:
Future work is recommended in order to control the steering of the sphere and also to make the speed control of the DC motor more robust. Also, a computer vision capability can be added to the robot in order to detect the surrounding environment, such as, face detection and obstacle avoiding.