Research Clusters
Applied Science & Robotics Laboratory for Applied-Mechatronics (ARAtronics) is working with the cutting edge research related to the mechatronics, robotics, automation and opto-mechatronics systems. ARAtronics is a multi-disciplinary research center. Our research vision in the ARAtronics center is dedicated to exploit the use of the opto-mechatronics and sensors technology to develop a feasible solutions for the problems in the Mechatronics applications, Robotics and Automation in research and industry.
We are exploiting the use of light to develop micro-optical sensors and actuators to be replaced in the typical mechatronics system. In turn, enhancing the feedback control algorithms overall. Any project in the ARAtronics will pass through 5 steps starting from the problem statement till the final implementation. The first step, starts with the physical problem understanding and brainstorming with ARAtronics team. Analysis and modeling should be followed immediately at the second step. Then, step 3 cares about building a prototype through our facilities and 3D printing to grantee our preliminary designs and solutions. The final two steps, will focus into the experimental test, implementation and fabrication for the our solution to the problem respectively. Below, you can see where all these above five steps occurs in the meeting zone at the ARAtronics center at the picture below; please sweep the slider bar to the right hand side to see the developing in the ARAtronics center since year 2016 till now.
Research interests of the ARAtronics center is mainly focused on developing the Opto-Mechatronics solutions in research and industry. The Opto-Mechatronics field investigates the integration of optical components and optical sensors technology into the typical Mechatronic systems. The optical sensors is used in these systems to measure any mechanical quantities for the typical Mechatronics system in high resolution. These optical sensors are used in a feedback loop as part of control systems for Mechatronic devices. The Opto-Mechatronics has applications in areas such as robotics, sensors technology, automation, vibration control, adaptive optics, vehicles dynamics, opto-fluidics, system-on-a-chip (SoC), optical tweezers, micro-opto-electro-mechanical systems (MOEMS), energy harvesting, solar energy and thin-film technology.
ARAtronics Center is serving the Ph.D., M.Sc. and B.Sc. students of Mechatronics, Computer Science, Material, and Electronics to conduct their research projects in Egypt and in Germany. The research clusters in the ARAtronics center interests are mainly on the following four foci:
Opto-Mechatronics Systems, Automation and Sensors Technology.
Robotics, Prosthesis and Wearable Devices.
Biomedical Instrumentation and micro-opto-electro-mechanical systems (MOEMS).
Neuroscience, Electrophysiology and Cognitive Intelligence.
Not only these four foci are the areas that we only work on it, but also the interaction among all of these foci are very attractive for us to conduct our research on it as the below chart can illustrate these area of interactions.
Below graph can show the percentage for each research cluster among these four foci; since 2015 up till now; to give an idea about where we are in the current time.
Robotics, Prosthesis and Wearable Devices
Opto-Mechatronics Systems, Automation and Sensors Technology
Neuroscience, Electrophysiology and Cognitive Intelligence
Biomedical Instrumentation and micro-opto-electro-mechanical systems (MOEMS)